Dear Debt

Dear Frugal Life

Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Debt and I go way back. We have been together for a very long time. For almost as long I can remember, you have been by my side. I remember where we met… J.C.Penney. I didn’t know how exactly you operated – I just knew you were so exciting, so mysterious, so intoxicating. That’s what made me fall for you.

My Dearest Debt – you were always willing to invite me in. It didn’t matter how many accounts I had, you never wanted me to leave. As my account balances grew, so did my dependence on you. Until today.

Normally, this is the part where one says, “It’s not you, it’s me.” And it’s true. It’s me. Though I’ve never known anything else…It’s over. I’m moving on. I’ve found someone new.

A New Frugal Chapter

His name is Debt B. Gone. Our relationship is new, but his sweet nothings sound incredibly compelling. A relationship is supposed to add to your life and make you feel better. Being with you did not bring me joy. It did not bring me comfort. Your presence took much more value from my life than it added. While I may have once found you necessary, I want off this ride. Debt freedom and I are meant to be.

I think we should make a clean break. Starting today, I am getting on without you.

Perhaps you will try to convince me to give it another chance. You may say I can’t live without you. But I can. And I will. And I’ll be much better for it.

The Debt Free Journey Begins

This is a letter I wrote a few years ago as I set out to get rid of my debt. This was the moment that I knew I had to make a change.

Welcome to my Dear Frugal Life. Thank you for being here. It is my hope that you join me as I make my way through the Debt Forest and that you’ll stick around as I some how – some way, make it to what waits on the other side: my Dear Frugal Life!